Saturday, June 14, 2008

New domain... soon!

So I've finally got myself a domain:

Now, I know it's not that original or interesting, but hey, neither is this one! (not to mention the new one is also completely devoid of content at time of posting)  I'm still toying with different CMS ideas, whether to just poing Blogger over there or to try hosting something like Drupal.  I'm also not sure whether I want to use Flock to blog, or maybe try to stick to the text editor as much as possible.  Opera is out for sure though, it still sucks with Blogger.  Sorry, Truevox, I just couldn't stay away from my Opera!  It has it's faults, I know, but the features it has are all meaningful.  Flock was exciting at first:  "Ooh, Facebook integration!", "Wee, Gmail integration!", but then I realized that if you look past several useless sidebars, and a poor excuse for a Gmail notifier, web pages still look like the same old web pages.  At the end of the day it's just Firefox, a version behind, and without much customization.  

But take heart, Opera 9.5 was just released!

Now with less retarded email storage!

All I'm tryin'a say is - stay tuned for a far more interesting blog at

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