So, I have all my movies, TV shows, audiobooks, software, etc. on this Ext3 partition, right? I've been using
Ext2IFS to mount this on Windoze, but after some repartitioning/resizing complications, I found myself with like 3 drive letters for the thing, the original one being dead. This means I could still access my goodies, but as far as filesharing programs are concerned, the paths were invalid.
Today, I installed
Ext2fsd, and it is lovely; no crap, and it let me reclaim R: Long story short - y'all can start leeching my stuff again.
In other news: yes, it's that time of year again - Nethack tourney season!
Test your skillz against returning champion, me, and expect lots of sweet, hot new features!
Full deets on the
RC blog, when I get to it.